Thursday, April 16, 2009


The general supervision and control of administrative, academic and financial affairs and the power to lay down the policies of the University vests in the Board of Governors consisting of the following members:-

1. Secretary, Ministry of Information Technology, Government of Pakistan (Chairman)
2. Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan (Member)
3. Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, or his nominee (Member)
4. Secretary, M/o Information & Media Development, Government of Pakistan (Member)
5. Chairman, Higher Education Commission, or his nominee (Member)
6. Chairman, National Telecommunications Corporation, or his nominee (Member)
7. One retired judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan (Member)
8. One serving or retired Rector or Vice Chancellor of a public university (Member)
9. Three eminent educationists or scientists, not being employees of the University (Members)
10. One expert from the financial sector (Member)
11. One Dean of the University (Member)
12. The Registrar of the University (Secretary)

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